How to Reduce the Stress of Moving
By Mary Holmes At Integrated Move Management, we love to help our clients reduce their stress. Downsizing, moving and cleaning out a home...

Great Support for Seniors in Portland, Maine
By Mary Holmes As we approach the holidays, I am grateful to think of all the great organizations in the Portland, ME area that support...

What Have We Been Up To At Integrated Move Management?
By Mary Holmes We have had a very busy summer and fall at Integrated Move Management both helping seniors downsize and move and cleaning...

The Weird World of Too Much "Stuff”
By Mary Holmes Baby Boomers, born between 1946 and 1964, are currently the largest segment of our population. And many are in the...

Moving is Stressful!
By Mary Holmes This is a topic I have written about before, but it is important enough to continue the conversation on a regular basis. ...

Simplifying Your Downsizing and Move – Five Easy Steps
By Mary Holmes As I have said so many times before, starting the process of moving to a smaller home can be quite overwhelming. Most...

Services of a Professional Move Manager
By Mary Holmes Integrated Move Management would like to wish you a happy, healthy and prosperous 2018! As we start a new year, we...

Year End Wrap Up and New Year Thoughts
By Mary Holmes As we approach the end of 2017, we want to reflect on the year and what it meant to Integrated Move Management. First and...

How Do We Define “Home Clean-Out”?
By Mary Holmes One of the services offered by Integrated Move Management is Home or Estate Clean-Out. This may mean different things to...

The Process of Decluttering or Downsizing in Five Easy Steps
Mary Holmes It is common for most people to look at the project of decluttering or downsizing and not know where to begin. It can...